Welcome parents & athletes of 422 Sports Plex!
This page can be used to find out upcoming photo dates at the 422 Sports Plex, as well as expected photo distribution dates.
Download & Print your form to save time on picture day
Upcoming Photo Dates & Times:
04/06/19 12pm - 4pm |
Soccerbugs Hoopstars SST Field Hockey Flag Football Slap Shots Hockey |
04/20/19 12pm - 4pm |
Soccerbugs Hoopstars SST Field Hockey Flag Football Slap Shots Hockey
It is recommended that you download and print your PHOTO FORM and arrive with it filled out and payment ready on photo day. Saturdays will be especially busy with the number of soccer teams. If your coach has your athlete getting their photos done after their practice/game, please note your athlete may be sweaty. You can arrive early if you don't want to worry about sweaty faces. There will be no time for make-up shoots since the season is coming to an end. Photos will be distributed at 422 Sport Plex before the end of the season. Photo distribution dates to be announced soon.